2014 Lake Guide
Press & Dakotan

2014 Lake Guide


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  • Phinneys Pub & Casino
  • Karttrax
  • Yankton Rexall Gift Shop

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Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan 2014 Lewis & Clark Lake Guide 17 The Bluffs Golf Course (605) 677-7058 2021 E. Main St. (Vermillion, SD) 26 miles from Yankton www.thebluffsgc.com 18 holes Elk Point Country Club (605) 356-2874 100 Truman Ln. (Elk Point, SD) 43 miles from Yankton www.elkpointcountryclub.com 9 holes Bon Homme Golf Course (605) 589-3186 41373 SD Hwy. 50 (Tyndall, SD) 30 miles from Yankton 9 holes Glenridge Golf Course (605) 263-3546 45157 296th St. (Irene, SD) 25 miles from Yankton www.glenridgegolfcourse.com 9 holes The Bridges at Beresford Golf Course (605) 763-2202 601 S. 7th St. (Beresford, SD) 45 miles from Yankton www.beresfordbridges.com 9 holes Dawson Creek Golf Course (605) 583-4244 1031 Stafford St. (Scotland, SD) 32 miles from Yankton www.scotlandsd.org/DawsonCreek 9 holes Hartington Golf Club (402) 254-7312 101 E. Felber St. (Hartington, NE) 25 miles from Yankton www.hartingtongolf.com 9 holes Lakeview Golf Course (402) 388-4552 55256 Hwy. 121 (Crofton, NE) 7 miles from Yankton www.croftonlakeview.com 9 holes Welcome T Yankton! o Yankton Mall 665-1902 Good Daily Darts Food Specials Cold Pool Beer Table Great Video Lottery Service Niobrara Valley Golf Course (402) 857-3412 40 Hackberry Heights (Niobrara, NE) 45 miles from Yankton 9 holes Randolph Golf Course (402) 337-1405 209 W. Walden St. (Randolph, NE) 40 miles from Yankton 9 holes Rolling Hills Golf Course (402) 586-2507 87414 544th Ave. (Wausa, NE) 42 miles from Yankton 9 holes Springfield Golf Course (605) 369-5525 41550 Boat Basin Rd. (Springfield, SD) 30 miles from Yankton 9 holes Valley View Golf Course (605) 925-4929 27996 438th Ave. (Freeman, SD) 31 miles from Yankton www.freemanvalleyview.com 9 holes GO-KART RIDES BBUMPERBOATS UMPER BOATS M INI GOLF MINI GOLF Adult Karts 2-Seater Karts Kiddie Karts 2 Go-Kart Tracks Kiddie Train Bumper Cars Cotton Candy Shaved Ice & Ice Cream Shaded Spectator Seating OPEN SPRING, SUMMER & FALL (weather permitting) Call 605-665-1770 For Current Hours Visiting the Walking Bridge? Then visit the Best Gift Shop in Yankton just 2 blocks away. $500 off $5000 purchase of 109 W. 3rd Downtown, Yankton gifts or toys with this ad 665-7865 www.yanktonrexall.com *Does not include liquor or pharmacy Family Fun Park Hwy. 52 & 436th Ave., Yankton, SD 57078 3 Miles West of Yankton facebook.com/Karttraxyankton
Golf Courses
Welcome To Yankton
Phinneys Pub & Casino
Yankton Mall
Phone: 605-665-1902
Family Fun Park
4908 W. 8th St.
Phone: 605-665-1770
Yankton Rexall Gift Shop
109 West 3rd Street
Phone: 605-665-7865