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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 PAGE 14C: YANKTON 150 15 150 TH TH HAPPY APPY APPY PPY PP A NIVERSA TO ANNIVERSARY TO AR YAN YANKTON AN TH YANKTON AND THE A AND HE PRESS & DAKOTAN RE RES ES DAKOTA AN PROUD TO BE PART OF A COMMUNITY RICH IN HISTORY. A 1962: Valley State Bank opened its doors with just three employees. a The bank started with a total capitalization of $300,000. 1983: Va alley State Bank was purchased by First National of Nebraska, Inc. Plans called for increasing from 20 employees to 70 employees and the addition of a credit card operation. 1984-85: A new bank building was constructed and the old Valley State Bank a building was demolished. 1994: The charter for Va harter alley State B Bank was changed to a national charter and the bank was renamed First National Bank South Dakota. 1996: The credit card operation moved to its own location on North Broadway. To oday it is known as First National Service Center. 2011 Today oy ing, fridayc institution Bank South Dakota is thrivand fullfri: ayy, october 5all banking products4:00-service friday, First NationalofferingSouth 9:00 a 4 services, i ay, nancial nanc as well as insurance, investments and trust services. First National Bank South Dakota together with First National Service Center a employee over 250 people in Yankton. Pictured top to bottom: First National Bank South Dakota today. today. day y buildin 1984-85: A new bank building was constructed to the south of the old building. The old building was later demolished to make room for parking. October 1962: First customers at Valley State Bank, the Valley rs a Bank Robert Wilson family, being helped by Assistant Cashier Wilson family, y h Mrs. Harold Devick. October 5, 1962: Erling Haugo (left), President of the new Va alley Valley State Bank, being presented a certi cate of authority b Osc car , St Superi nde upe intendent Banks, while Charles wh hile hi rle by Oscar Brosz, State Superintendent of Ba Peters sen er) Ca Cashier Cash , l Petersen (center), Asst. Cashier, looks on. 332 Broadway, Ya Broadway, Yankton, SD roadway ankton, y 605-66 6 65-961 800-262-9611 65-9 1 800-262-9611 96 605-665-9611 800
- First National Bank South Dakota
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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 PAGE 14C: YANKTON 150 15 150 TH TH HAPPY APPY APPY PPY PP A NIVERSA TO ANNIVERSARY TO AR YAN YANKTON AN TH YANKTON AND THE A AND HE PRESS & DAKOTAN RE RES ES DAKOTA AN PROUD TO BE PART OF A COMMUNITY RICH IN HISTORY. A 1962: Valley State Bank opened its doors with just three employees. a The bank started with a total capitalization of $300,000. 1983: Va alley State Bank was purchased by First National of Nebraska, Inc. Plans called for increasing from 20 employees to 70 employees and the addition of a credit card operation. 1984-85: A new bank building was constructed and the old Valley State Bank a building was demolished. 1994: The charter for Va harter alley State B Bank was changed to a national charter and the bank was renamed First National Bank South Dakota. 1996: The credit card operation moved to its own location on North Broadway. To oday it is known as First National Service Center. 2011 Today oy ing, fridayc institution Bank South Dakota is thrivand fullfri: ayy, october 5all banking products4:00-service friday, First NationalofferingSouth 9:00 a 4 services, i ay, nancial nanc as well as insurance, investments and trust services. First National Bank South Dakota together with First National Service Center a employee over 250 people in Yankton. Pictured top to bottom: First National Bank South Dakota today. today. day y buildin 1984-85: A new bank building was constructed to the south of the old building. The old building was later demolished to make room for parking. October 1962: First customers at Valley State Bank, the Valley rs a Bank Robert Wilson family, being helped by Assistant Cashier Wilson family, y h Mrs. Harold Devick. October 5, 1962: Erling Haugo (left), President of the new Va alley Valley State Bank, being presented a certi cate of authority b Osc car , St Superi nde upe intendent Banks, while Charles wh hile hi rle by Oscar Brosz, State Superintendent of Ba Peters sen er) Ca Cashier Cash , l Petersen (center), Asst. Cashier, looks on. 332 Broadway, Ya Broadway, Yankton, SD roadway ankton, y 605-66 6 65-961 800-262-9611 65-9 1 800-262-9611 96 605-665-9611 800