Section C: Transitions
Press & Dakotan

Section C: Transitions


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C Top 5: The SECTION TRANSITIONS PRESS& DAKOTAN Life In Yankton: 1962-2011 Saturday 8.6.11 Hellos And Goodbyes The third 50 years of Yankton s story saw the old, original face of the community begin to give way to the demands of time and the needs of a new century. During this time period, some integral components of Yankton were replaced and some simply disappeared. There were also great highs and tragic lows as the community entered a new millennium. 1. THE BUILDING OF DISCOVERY BRIDGE When Meridian Bridge opened in 1924, it bolstered Yankton s role as a regional hub and addressed the importance that highways would have to the area s business climate, ultimately trumping both the river and the railroad. But after many decades of service, it gradually became clear that the bridge s usefulness was nearing an end and a new structure would be needed. City representatives, as well as area officials from both South Dakota and Nebraska, began campaigning for a replacement bridge that could serve the growing infrastructure demands of the modern age. There was certainly a hope among some locals that the old Meridian Bridge could be salvaged in some way. But its fate was also a major stumbling block as part of the environmental impact study associated with a new bridge. This left the very real possibility that the old bridge would have to be dismantled in order to clear the way for the new structure. This was finally resolved in 2003 when state officials from South Dakota and Nebraska struck an agreement with city officials that provided for the conversion of the Meridian Bridge into a pedestrian/biking bridge, with the city then taking ownership of the structure. With that, the building of the new bridge was ready to proceed. Ground for the new $23.9 million bridge was officially broken on July 4, 2007. The following year, the new structure dubbed Discovery Bridge was completed, and it was officially dedicated on Oct. 11, 2008, almost exactly 84 years after the Meridian Bridge was dedicated. As of the summer of 2011, the conversion of the Meridian Bridge was nearing completion, meaning one of Yankton s most recognized landmarks would continue serving people for many more years to come. 2. THE YANKTON COLLEGE SAGA The first college of the Dakotas trained students for more than a century, having endured the hardships of prairie life and the dark, uncertain days of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. ABOVE: An aerial view of the Yankton College campus during its heyday. YC s closure in 1984, and its subsequent conversion into a federal prison camp, was one of the biggest occurrences in Yankton in the past 50 years. (Yankton College archive photo) LEFT: On Oct. 11, 2008, thousands gathered at the south edge of Yankton to once again celebrate the opening of a new bridge. The Discovery Bridge was officially dedicated that day, with dignitaries from both South Dakota and Nebraska on hand to greet the transition from the 20th century bridging marvel that had been the Meridian Bridge to this new structure a new bridge for a new century and new millennium. Shown are, from left, Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Sen. John Thune, Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman and Sen. Tim Johnson cutting the ribbon for the new bridge. (P&D archive photo) TOP 5 | PAGE 18C Pages in History. Generations of Care. Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. first opened January 1, 1982 as a result of a merger between the Yankton Clinic and the Medical Clinic. Both of those clinics were organized in 1946, so our story truly traces back even further to physicians and staff dedicated to caring for the families of Yankton and throughout the region. The physicians that united to form Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. were dedicated to healthcare delivery in a group setting, with primary and specialty care physicians in one location. Over 65 years later, we still believe the patients we serve benefit from our joint efforts, the ease of communication under one roof, and the shared expertise through consultation. We join with Yankton in celebrating 150 years, as well as celebrating over 65 years of care in our region. 1104 West 8th Street Yankton, SD 57078 605-665-7841 So Much Care, So Close to Home.
The Top 5: Hellos And Goodbyes
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Pages in History. Generations of Care.
Yankton Medical Clinic
1104 West 8th Street
Phone: 605-665-7841