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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 YANKTON 150: PAGE 13C r Over 13 Years! o he Yankton Area f Serving t It s not just a body shop, its... Justra s 2806 Fox Run Pkwy Yankton, SD 57078 (605) 665-3929 Paintless Dent Repair Insurance Work Frame Straightening Restoration Work We guarantee that everything we do is done in a professional and hassle-free Glass Installation manner. We don t see our customers as Lifetime Paint Warranty customers. We see them as our friends. Loaner Car Available Stop by and see John at Justra s Body Shop Down Draft Bake Booth for all your auto body and paint needs. Body Shop P&D ARCHIVE PHOTOS Since its earliest days, Yankton has always been a place for visitors to congregate, whether it was an individual looking for a place to relax or a soul headed west on a quest for gold or land. LEFT: The Merchants Hotel opened in 1873 on Broadway at the site of the old Ash Hotel, which was the first lodging operation in the settlement of Yankton. The Merchants Hotel joined the ranks of such local inns as the Smithsonian, the Germania House, the Bradley Hotel, the New England Hotel, the Chicago House, the Coates Hotel, the Eagle House and the Sherman House, to name a few. ABOVE: Postcards were also used to lure people to town. (From the book Yankton: The Way It Was! by Bob Karolevitz) Yankton Tourism Comes Into Its Own From Territorial Hotels To Modern-Day Recreation, Yankton Has Always Offered Something For Travelers BY LISA SCHEVE Yankton Visitors Bureau Visitors, tourists ... whatever name you like to use ... all have been coming to Yankton for 150 years. The tourism industry has had a lasting impact on the community and has evolved and changed from our first inn in 1861 to a community that supports more than 12 hotels and motels, and 16 campgrounds. Here is a glance at how tourism has progressed in Yankton. LODGING Yankton s first inn wasn t the Best Western Kelly Inn. It was the Ash Inn, built and operated by Henry Clay Ash and his wife Mary. Many of the visitors who stayed in Yankton s hotels during our first years were either prospectors passing through to search for gold in the Black Hills or new settlers seeking temporary housing until their homesteads were claimed and built. Or some hopped a ride on a riverboat. Hotels, motels and cabins have come and gone. Some have changed names and changed names again. Some are now apartment buildings. There was the Gurney s Hotel, Morrison Hotel, Jencks Hotel and the Fensel s Motel opened in 1954. Today, Yankton has 12 different properties and more than seven different cabins/vacation home rental operations. EVENTS AND FESTIVALS: Events and festivals have changed styles and meanings. And some events have left Yankton all together. Yankton hosted the first state fair on Sept. 28, 1896, which ran for five days. The state fair was held in Yankton for 10 straight years until the event was moved to Huron, its permanent home. Fourth of July has always been a constant Yankton celebration. As early as 1883, Yankton held a Fourth of July parade which hosted 530 Native Americans including Strike-the-Ree. Before Yankton was known for its annual Riverboat Days celebration, it was known for the events held by the Gurney companies. In 1931, Gurney s held its first Watermelon Days, with more than 15,000 people attending. Gurney s was known for their events during the depression-era including its pancake feeds. In 1936, Gurney s held a free pancake festival, where they served 146,000 pancakes. SITES AND ATTRACTIONS: From shopping, movies and entertainment Yankton has had it all throughout the years: 1893 Fantles retail store opened on Oct. 7. 1909 The first movie theatre came to Yankton. 1923 JC Penney s store came to Yankton 1925 Meredith s Jewelry opened 1939 It was reported that South Dakota served 1 million tourists in the state, many coming through Yankton. 1948 The Movieland Drive was established; the first drive-in theatre in South Dakota 1951 Kelly s Cove opened along the James River 1970 The Yankton Mall was established. KELLY HERTZ/P&D Boating and swimming are just two of the attractions of the Lewis and Clark Recreation Area, which draws more than a million visitors a year. 1971 The grand opening was held for the new Dakota Territorial Museum in May. 1973 The first South Dakota Fiddlers Contest began in Yankton by Wilbur Foss and his dad. You can attend this year s event on Sept. 17, 2011. GAVINS POINT DAM AND LEWIS AND CLARK LAKE: With groundbreaking ceremonies for Gavins Point Dam held in 1952, tourism received a large boost to the area. Outdoor recreation has become synonymous with Yankton. Campground facilities from federal, state and privately owned have all grown and expanded. Here is a glance at the developments of what we proudly call the Lewis and Clark Lake area: 1953 Pierson Ranch The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers purchased the remaining 400 acres of the ranch for the Gavins Point Dam Project. The ranch in- cluded what is now Chief White Crane Recreation Area, Cottonwood Recreation Area and the Pierson Ranch Recreation Area. 1959 Pierson Ranch opened as a park and is the oldest campground in the area. 1967 Lewis and Clark Recreation Area: The following sites were leased by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks on June 1: Yankton Unit (210 acres) Midway Unit (83 acres) McVey Unit (120 acres) Gavins Unit (322 acres these acres do not include 90 acres of state owned land that is normally included with the acreage for Gavins Point Unit). 1978 Gavins Point Dam to Ponca, Neb., was designated a National Recreational River. 1984 Lewis and Clark Recreation Area: The Midway Unit was developed as part of the Lewis and Clark Master Plan. 1986 Lewis and Clark Recreation Area: A new visitor center was completed in the Marina area. 1987 For the first time, South Dakota State Parks accepted camping reservations, but was limited to Lewis and Clark Recreation Area. Also, Lewis and Clark Resort came into existence. 1990 Tourism coined the new state slogan Great Faces. Great Places. Lewis and Clark Recreation Area: Cruises were offered on the 150passenger paddle-wheeler Far West. Camping cabins became available at Lewis & Clark Recreation Area. Rental per night was $20. 1995 Lewis & Clark Recreation Area: A new welcome center opened in the Midway section of the park and a connecting road linking all three campgrounds (Yankton, Midway, Gavins Point), was completed. 2001 The management of Pierson Ranch and Chief White Crane Recreation Areas was assigned to the South Dakota Division of Parks and Recreation by a lease agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the State of South Dakota. Internet on-line camping reservations initiated at Lewis and Clark Lake: The 864acre park had 366 campsites, 13 camping cabins and a rent-a-camper. 2010 Visitation for the year at South Dakota State Parks was at 6.8 million. Lewis & Clark, Springfield, Chief White Crane and Pierson Ranch visitation was at 1,250,000. Camper units in South Dakota State Parks was 260,000. 52,500 camper units visited Lewis & Clark, Tabor, Sand Creek, Springfield, Chief White Crane and Pierson Ranch. 2011 Lewis and Clark Lake: 41 more campsites and two camping cabins were added to the park, bringing the total number of campsites to 417 (which includes eight equestrian sites) and 19 camping cabins. Congratulations, Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan, on 150 Years! Shur-Co : Proudly Calling Yankton Home And Commemorating Some Key Dates Of Our Own SHUR-CO GOT ITS START AS WAHPETON CANVAS CO. BACK IN 1954 IN WAHPETON, ND. IN 1980, THE ORIGINAL SHUR-LOK ROLL TARP WAS BORN. IN 1992, THE TRUCK COVER DIVISION OF THE COMPANY RELOCATED TO YANKTON, SD, TO BETTER SERVE CORE CUSTOMERS IN THE GRAIN TRAILER MARKET. Our invention of the Shur-Lok revolutionized the tarping industry. Today, 30 years later, it s been adapted for all applications: grain carts, farm bodies, grain trailers, end dumps and fertilizer tenders and spreaders. That same spirit of innovation continues with our SMARTrailer line of accessories: 3500 SERIES ELECTRIC TARP | PROTRAP ELECTRIC HOPPER OPENER | 5-CHANNEL SMARTransmitter You can see our SMARTrailer products in action on our website. Shop Shur-Co for online ordering of kits, electric accessories and Genuine Shur-Co replacement tarps and parts. 800.474.8756 WWW.SHURCO.COM W H E N YO U N E E D TO B E S U R E , M A K E I T S H U R- C O
Serving the Yankton Area for Over 13 Years!
Justra's Body Shop
2806 Fox Run Parkway
Phone: 605-665-3929
2309 Shurlok Street
Phone: 605-665-6000
Yankton Tourism
Yankton Tourism Comes Into Its Own
Yankton Tourism Comes Into Its Own
Yankton Tourism Comes Into Its Own