Section D: Lives & Times
Press & Dakotan

Section D: Lives & Times


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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 PAGE 18D: YANKTON 150 Manitou America s, Inc. formerly known as Gehl Company Generations of Success hree T Our original plant, in 1974, has expanded six times to meet the growing needs of our customers. Gehl Company, headquartered in West Bend, WI, is a USA manufacturing & International distributor of compact construction equipment. With roots dating back to 1859, we have a heritage of reliability, innovation & success. We are PROUD to be part of this great community. Congratulations City of Yankton and Press & Dakotan on 150 years of growth! Gehl is currently hiring welder positions & is accepting applications for all production positions. 1978 1987 1997 1999 2005 2006 Research & Development Building Added Paint Area Expansion Welding Area Expansion Shipping Receiving Expansion Fabrication & R&D Expansion Welding Assembly & Office Expansion The manufacturing of the new RT Series, Compact Track Loader began at the Yankton facility in May, 2011. Gehl Track Loader Mustang Track Loader Gehl Telehandler Gehl Articulated Loader Production started in 2008 Gehl Asphalt Paver Mustang Telehandler
Three Generations of Success
Gehl Company