Section D: Lives & Times
Press & Dakotan

Section D: Lives & Times


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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 PAGE 10D: YANKTON 150 Reflection From Page 8D meeting. It was during the session of the Territorial Legislature, and Mr. B. being a member of the Legislative council and not desiring to create any extra sport for that illustrious body of men, we were very quietly married at father s house by the Rev. Melancthon Hoyt. YANKTON S FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH The First United Methodist Church of Yankton traces its history back just over 150 years to the arrival of a young circuit rider, Rev. Septimus Watson Ingham, who had been appointed missionary to Dakota with a first year salary of $130. Rev. Ingham traveled from Sioux City on horseback with his saddlebags and umbrella, stopping to preach a sermon in Elk Point. Before arriving in Yankton, he spent the night at a tavern in Vermillion. According to his memoirs, he was able to pay only 90 cents toward his bill of one dollar for the night stay, with a promise to pay the other dime when he received his salary draft. On the next day, Reverend Ingham arrived in Yankton which he described as having three log cabins with dirt roofs, and two frame houses. On October 21, 1860, he preached the first Methodist sermon in Yankton at the home of Capt. John Blair Smith Todd, a cousin of Abraham Lincoln s wife and one of the town s founders. His congregation consisted of seven persons, the balance of the community being called away by a steamboat arrival. Another service that evening was better attended by twenty-five men, although that service too was interrupted with a call for someone to go out and settle a drunken quarrel. When Yankton was named Territorial Capital in 1861, the Methodists began holding services in the Capitol building, a practice which continued until a new church was built in 1874. While the Yankton community thrived, the Methodist church membership fluctuated until 1871 with the arrival of Rev. John Thomas Walker who began to make positive changes in the church. General W.H.H. Beadle, one of the most prominent of the Methodists at the time, lead a building campaign which resulted in a new church building at the corner of Fourth and DouREFLECTION | PAGE 11D Congratulations Press & Dakotan & Yankton on 150 Years Mike Lemon Agency 409 Cedar St., Yankton 605-665-7852
Reflection continued...
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