Section D: Lives & Times
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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 YANKTON 150: PAGE 9D 0! 15 py a p from The Pantry H since 1974 Home Decor Kitchen Wares Gourmet Gifts Great Coffees & Teas 215 W. 3rd Historic Downtown Yankton 665-4480 Other Front Pages Of Note Michels: We Must Be Vigorous Stewards Of Yankton s Future BY MATTHEW MICHELS Lt. Governor of South Dakota ABOVE: The very first issue of the Weekly Dakotian, published June 6, 1861. It is believed that no original hard-copy versions of that inaugural issue survive, but the full paper can be found on microfilm. BELOW: The Nov. 2, 1889, issue announcing the formation of the state of South Dakota. Typical of the newspaper design practices of the age, the headline you see basically represents a banner headline, with print that jumps out from the sea of gray text and sub-headlines that otherwise filled the paper. Of course, the item is dwarfed next to Jacob Max dry goods front-page advertisement on the right. KENNEDY PIER & KNOFF LLP CRAIG A. KENNEDY L Thank you for this incredibly humbling honor to be asked about Yankton s 150 years as a city and a future perspective. I ask that we pause, reflect and rejoice at the history of our community and the trajectory it has taken in these 150 years ... One hundred fifty years ago on March 2, 1861, the Dakota Territory was established, and two days later Abraham Lincoln became president. Four years later ... he was assassinated. On April 27, 1865, Yankton citizens gathered to mourn President Lincoln s death with the Episcopalian Priest Rev. Hoyt performing the majority of the day's remembrance service. President Lincoln had a significant impact on Yankton, as he made the first territorial appointments. During the month following his inauguration, President Lincoln chose his close friend and personal physician, Dr. William Jayne of Springfield, Illinois, for the governorship. Jayne arrived at Sioux City in the latter part of May, and set out by horse and buggy for Yankton, which was to be the seat of government until the Legislature could make an official selection. According to the historian Herbert Schell, the first Territorial Legislature, dubbed the Pony Congress by one of its own members, convened on March 17, 1862, in Yankton. Important matters of policy had to wait until the question of where the territorial capital should be, as both Yankton and Vermillion were competing for the capital designation. After some bargaining, the house finally accepted Yankton. On the same day that Yankton became the capital, a bill was introduced locating a territorial university at Vermillion and it was given final approval later in the session. Dr. Schell reported that, aside from its favorable location on the Missouri, Yankton's selection as the capital soon enabled it to outstrip the other towns. The leading governmental offices were there, and it became the seat of residence for the P&D ARCHIVE PHOTO Yankton attorney Matt Michels (left) and Sen. John Thune hitch a ride across the Discovery Bridge during the structure s dedication ceremony on Oct, 11, 2008. Michels was elected lieutenant governor of South Dakota in 2010. leading officials. The meetings of the Legislature drew lobbyists and other visitors, and brought economic gain to the community. The bulk of the federal appropriations for territorial purposes was expended in Yankton. To the envy of other localities, the capital city seemed to be living off the fat of the land. Yankton businessmen and politicians dominated the Territory for two decades, and the Yankton ring became a popular target for attack in political circles. It is so interesting to me that we are a community, a territory and a state that was so engulfed in the civil war of our nation. We have a Grant County, Union County, a Lincoln County and a Gettysburg. Many hardworking Dakota settlers in Yankton came from a New England American Revolution history punctuated by the bloody civil war dedicated to the union of one country. Consequently, they rightfully despised the undemocratic territorial system and, as many came to this great area from a civil war experience and their heritage of self-governance, all were frustrated. Our Yankton founders fought for statehood, fought to self-govern. In 1883, at a conclave called to debate the merits of our first constitutional convention, the Rev. Hoyt, who at the time was the oldest pioneer clergy of Dakota, blessed the work of the convention so that, They may glorify thy Holy name and perpetuate the best interest of the citizens of this territory. Our founders gave thanks to God for the opportunity of personal freedom, self-governance and free will in service to others and what a legacy they left for us. By the way, it is no coincidence that our state motto emanating from the Constitutional Convention is Under God, the People Rule. Our founders' vision was to have a life more abundant and with more opportunity not based on birthright, but work ethic. The early Yanktonians wanted us to be successful, especially as individuals in a self-governing democracy. So I ask, what is the legacy of the past 150 years, and that we should leave? We, too, someday will be held in such reflection by others, as we will not be remembered by our names, but rather by our deeds. I offer that our vision should be to embark on a ministry of such deeds, so that those 150 years from now will reflect on us, as successful vigorous stewards to perpetuate our great community for those to come and to do so always reflecting and living our faith through our church, community and our state. And to do so in service to others; for those less fortunate and for those in need. Here is to the next 150 years! awyers with the firm of Kennedy Pier & Knoff LLP have been practicing law in Yankton, South Dakota since 1977. In this age of advanced STEVEN L. PIER technology, there is one thing that has remained DAVID D. K NOFF a constant with our firm. We continue to be com- KEVIN J. LOFTUS mitted to providing our clients with professional, ANDREW J. M ARSHALL Left to right: Stephen L. Pier, Craig A. Kennedy, Kevin J. Loftus, David D. Knoff, Andrew J. Marshall competent and cost effective service in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa. Our attorneys provide courtroom representation for personal O injury, insurance defense, and criminal and advice at fair affordable rates is what you will find civil litigation in both state and federal courts. at Kennedy, Pier & Knoff. We recognize the client s We also have extensive expertise in other practice desire to have their concerns dealt with promptly areas including health law, business planning, and with the required expertise. Our attorneys are real estate, commercial law, divorce, probate committed to the community and participate in a and estate planning. Firm members also offer variety of local service organizations and are members mediation services to clients. of the South Dakota Bar Association, Nebraska Bar ffering clients professional, yet practical legal Association, Iowa Bar Association, Young Lawyers, South Dakota Defense Attorneys, South Dakota Trial Attorneys and the prestigious American Board of Trial Advocates. 322 Walnut, P.O. Box 37, Yankton, SD 57078 0037 Telephone 605 665 3000 Facsimile 605 665 2670
- The Pantry
- Kennedy Pier and Knoff LLP
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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 YANKTON 150: PAGE 9D 0! 15 py a p from The Pantry H since 1974 Home Decor Kitchen Wares Gourmet Gifts Great Coffees & Teas 215 W. 3rd Historic Downtown Yankton 665-4480 Other Front Pages Of Note Michels: We Must Be Vigorous Stewards Of Yankton s Future BY MATTHEW MICHELS Lt. Governor of South Dakota ABOVE: The very first issue of the Weekly Dakotian, published June 6, 1861. It is believed that no original hard-copy versions of that inaugural issue survive, but the full paper can be found on microfilm. BELOW: The Nov. 2, 1889, issue announcing the formation of the state of South Dakota. Typical of the newspaper design practices of the age, the headline you see basically represents a banner headline, with print that jumps out from the sea of gray text and sub-headlines that otherwise filled the paper. Of course, the item is dwarfed next to Jacob Max dry goods front-page advertisement on the right. KENNEDY PIER & KNOFF LLP CRAIG A. KENNEDY L Thank you for this incredibly humbling honor to be asked about Yankton s 150 years as a city and a future perspective. I ask that we pause, reflect and rejoice at the history of our community and the trajectory it has taken in these 150 years ... One hundred fifty years ago on March 2, 1861, the Dakota Territory was established, and two days later Abraham Lincoln became president. Four years later ... he was assassinated. On April 27, 1865, Yankton citizens gathered to mourn President Lincoln s death with the Episcopalian Priest Rev. Hoyt performing the majority of the day's remembrance service. President Lincoln had a significant impact on Yankton, as he made the first territorial appointments. During the month following his inauguration, President Lincoln chose his close friend and personal physician, Dr. William Jayne of Springfield, Illinois, for the governorship. Jayne arrived at Sioux City in the latter part of May, and set out by horse and buggy for Yankton, which was to be the seat of government until the Legislature could make an official selection. According to the historian Herbert Schell, the first Territorial Legislature, dubbed the Pony Congress by one of its own members, convened on March 17, 1862, in Yankton. Important matters of policy had to wait until the question of where the territorial capital should be, as both Yankton and Vermillion were competing for the capital designation. After some bargaining, the house finally accepted Yankton. On the same day that Yankton became the capital, a bill was introduced locating a territorial university at Vermillion and it was given final approval later in the session. Dr. Schell reported that, aside from its favorable location on the Missouri, Yankton's selection as the capital soon enabled it to outstrip the other towns. The leading governmental offices were there, and it became the seat of residence for the P&D ARCHIVE PHOTO Yankton attorney Matt Michels (left) and Sen. John Thune hitch a ride across the Discovery Bridge during the structure s dedication ceremony on Oct, 11, 2008. Michels was elected lieutenant governor of South Dakota in 2010. leading officials. The meetings of the Legislature drew lobbyists and other visitors, and brought economic gain to the community. The bulk of the federal appropriations for territorial purposes was expended in Yankton. To the envy of other localities, the capital city seemed to be living off the fat of the land. Yankton businessmen and politicians dominated the Territory for two decades, and the Yankton ring became a popular target for attack in political circles. It is so interesting to me that we are a community, a territory and a state that was so engulfed in the civil war of our nation. We have a Grant County, Union County, a Lincoln County and a Gettysburg. Many hardworking Dakota settlers in Yankton came from a New England American Revolution history punctuated by the bloody civil war dedicated to the union of one country. Consequently, they rightfully despised the undemocratic territorial system and, as many came to this great area from a civil war experience and their heritage of self-governance, all were frustrated. Our Yankton founders fought for statehood, fought to self-govern. In 1883, at a conclave called to debate the merits of our first constitutional convention, the Rev. Hoyt, who at the time was the oldest pioneer clergy of Dakota, blessed the work of the convention so that, They may glorify thy Holy name and perpetuate the best interest of the citizens of this territory. Our founders gave thanks to God for the opportunity of personal freedom, self-governance and free will in service to others and what a legacy they left for us. By the way, it is no coincidence that our state motto emanating from the Constitutional Convention is Under God, the People Rule. Our founders' vision was to have a life more abundant and with more opportunity not based on birthright, but work ethic. The early Yanktonians wanted us to be successful, especially as individuals in a self-governing democracy. So I ask, what is the legacy of the past 150 years, and that we should leave? We, too, someday will be held in such reflection by others, as we will not be remembered by our names, but rather by our deeds. I offer that our vision should be to embark on a ministry of such deeds, so that those 150 years from now will reflect on us, as successful vigorous stewards to perpetuate our great community for those to come and to do so always reflecting and living our faith through our church, community and our state. And to do so in service to others; for those less fortunate and for those in need. Here is to the next 150 years! awyers with the firm of Kennedy Pier & Knoff LLP have been practicing law in Yankton, South Dakota since 1977. In this age of advanced STEVEN L. PIER technology, there is one thing that has remained DAVID D. K NOFF a constant with our firm. We continue to be com- KEVIN J. LOFTUS mitted to providing our clients with professional, ANDREW J. M ARSHALL Left to right: Stephen L. Pier, Craig A. Kennedy, Kevin J. Loftus, David D. Knoff, Andrew J. Marshall competent and cost effective service in South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa. Our attorneys provide courtroom representation for personal O injury, insurance defense, and criminal and advice at fair affordable rates is what you will find civil litigation in both state and federal courts. at Kennedy, Pier & Knoff. We recognize the client s We also have extensive expertise in other practice desire to have their concerns dealt with promptly areas including health law, business planning, and with the required expertise. Our attorneys are real estate, commercial law, divorce, probate committed to the community and participate in a and estate planning. Firm members also offer variety of local service organizations and are members mediation services to clients. of the South Dakota Bar Association, Nebraska Bar ffering clients professional, yet practical legal Association, Iowa Bar Association, Young Lawyers, South Dakota Defense Attorneys, South Dakota Trial Attorneys and the prestigious American Board of Trial Advocates. 322 Walnut, P.O. Box 37, Yankton, SD 57078 0037 Telephone 605 665 3000 Facsimile 605 665 2670