Section D: Lives & Times
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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 Reflection From Page 10D glas. The new church was described as one of the finest Methodist church structures in the conference at the time, and served the congregation for 86 years. The present church at 11th and Cedar was completed in September 1959. The building was expanded with an education wing in 1968. In 2006, a further expansion provided handicap accessibility, a warm and friendly lobby, and new administrative offices. The bell from the first church sits on the west lawn of the present building. The First United Methodist Church is currently served by Reverend Ronald Johnson. VERA PEITZ I read with interest your wish to pay tribute to Yankton The Mother City of the Dakotas. The city history became of special interest to me in my search for my Foster family history. Though I ve lived within 30 miles of Yankton the 80+ years of my life I recently found info from my great-great-uncle James S. YANKTON 150: PAGE 11D Foster s history. James Foster was instrumental in getting 100 families to leave Syracuse, N.Y. and migrate to Dakota Territory in the 1860s. His brother s family George I. LaFayette and my great-greatgrandparents Charles and Mary Ann were among them. From Ellen Tobin s Historical Notes the first business house The Coney Island Restaurant was erected by James S. Foster. Foster was the register of deeds, clerk of courts and first Superintendent of Education. His wife started a private school. I ve found info in the history books from the library and also the microfilm of the Press and Dakotaian. My memories of Yankton include our father George W. Foster taking us to the dedication of the WNAX tower and the Meridian Bridge becoming toll free. I attended Yankton college in the 60s to renew my teaching certificate. We ve shopped in Yankton. We were privileged to have the Benedictine Sisters here at our Catholic school for years. P.S. I m still continuing my genealogy info for the Foster family. DEE MUNSCH 1. Mark of the Hobo When I was about five years old my family lived on Walnut Street near the Meridian Bridge. I remember seeing the hobos walking near the bridge and occasionally one of them would knock on our door asking for a handout. One incident in particular stands out in my memory. It was a summer day, my younger brother and I were playing in the kitchen. Through the screen door I saw a hobo come to the door and knock. He asked my mother if she had some food to spare. She told him to wait on the porch while she prepared something for him. Then after handing him a plate of food she asked that he leave the plate on the step when he was finished. She latched the screen door and told my brother and me not to open it. She then left the room. From the kitchen I watched the stranger as he ate. He wasn t my idea of how a hobo would look. He was a big man. He was clean shaven and had long silver hair tucked behind his ears. His clothes looked clean. When he finished eating he tried opening the door. Since it was locked he knocked. My REFLECTION | PAGE 12D
- South Dakota Newspaper Association
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PRESS & DAKOTAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2011 Reflection From Page 10D glas. The new church was described as one of the finest Methodist church structures in the conference at the time, and served the congregation for 86 years. The present church at 11th and Cedar was completed in September 1959. The building was expanded with an education wing in 1968. In 2006, a further expansion provided handicap accessibility, a warm and friendly lobby, and new administrative offices. The bell from the first church sits on the west lawn of the present building. The First United Methodist Church is currently served by Reverend Ronald Johnson. VERA PEITZ I read with interest your wish to pay tribute to Yankton The Mother City of the Dakotas. The city history became of special interest to me in my search for my Foster family history. Though I ve lived within 30 miles of Yankton the 80+ years of my life I recently found info from my great-great-uncle James S. YANKTON 150: PAGE 11D Foster s history. James Foster was instrumental in getting 100 families to leave Syracuse, N.Y. and migrate to Dakota Territory in the 1860s. His brother s family George I. LaFayette and my great-greatgrandparents Charles and Mary Ann were among them. From Ellen Tobin s Historical Notes the first business house The Coney Island Restaurant was erected by James S. Foster. Foster was the register of deeds, clerk of courts and first Superintendent of Education. His wife started a private school. I ve found info in the history books from the library and also the microfilm of the Press and Dakotaian. My memories of Yankton include our father George W. Foster taking us to the dedication of the WNAX tower and the Meridian Bridge becoming toll free. I attended Yankton college in the 60s to renew my teaching certificate. We ve shopped in Yankton. We were privileged to have the Benedictine Sisters here at our Catholic school for years. P.S. I m still continuing my genealogy info for the Foster family. DEE MUNSCH 1. Mark of the Hobo When I was about five years old my family lived on Walnut Street near the Meridian Bridge. I remember seeing the hobos walking near the bridge and occasionally one of them would knock on our door asking for a handout. One incident in particular stands out in my memory. It was a summer day, my younger brother and I were playing in the kitchen. Through the screen door I saw a hobo come to the door and knock. He asked my mother if she had some food to spare. She told him to wait on the porch while she prepared something for him. Then after handing him a plate of food she asked that he leave the plate on the step when he was finished. She latched the screen door and told my brother and me not to open it. She then left the room. From the kitchen I watched the stranger as he ate. He wasn t my idea of how a hobo would look. He was a big man. He was clean shaven and had long silver hair tucked behind his ears. His clothes looked clean. When he finished eating he tried opening the door. Since it was locked he knocked. My REFLECTION | PAGE 12D